Lab Accreditations

Lab Accreditations

Madrigal Forensics uses a laboratory with several accreditations.

In demonstration of excellence, Chromosomal Laboratories participates in a number of national and international accreditation programs, including:

American Association of Blood Banks (AABB)
Forensic Quality Services International, (FQS-I)
New York Department of Health
Texas DPS for Forensic Biology/DNA Testing
U.S. Homeland Security for Immigration DNA Testing
These programs provide external review and approval of the laboratory systems and quality. Also the Texas DPS for Forensic Testing and the U.S. Homeland Security for Immigration DNA Testing.

Proficiency Testing
In demonstration of its commitment to quality, Chromosomal Laboratories participates in multiple third party proficiency testing programs for paternity, forensic casework, forensic data basing, and Y chromosome analysis. The Chromosomal Program far exceeds any regulatory requirement.

Validation is the process of demonstrating that a laboratory procedure is robust, reliable, and reproducible in the hands of the personnel performing the test in the laboratory. A robust method is one in which successful results are obtained at a high frequency. A reliable method produces accurate results that correctly reflect the sample being tested. A reproducible method produces the same or very similar results each time a sample is tested. All three types of methods are important for techniques performed in DNA laboratories.